Our Training Module
Node.js + MongoDB
Stay updated with the latest developments, best practices, and community resources in Node.js and MongoDB through documentation, tutorials, blogs, and online courses. Practice regularly by working on projects, experimenting with different features, and building real-world applications to solidify your skills.
Foundation Step I
Learn how to write unit tests and integration tests for your Node.js and MongoDB applications using testing frameworks like Mocha, Chai, and Supertest. Explore deployment options for Node.js and MongoDB applications, including deploying to platforms like Heroku, AWS, or DigitalOcean.
Foundation Step II
Explore advanced topics in Node.js and MongoDB, such as data modeling, indexing, aggregation, transactions, and performance optimization. Learn about best practices for designing scalable and maintainable Node.js and MongoDB applications.
Foundation Step III
Master techniques for error handling and debugging in Node.js applications, including logging, error middleware, and debugging tools like Node.js debugger and console.log.
Intermediate Step I
Understand the importance of authentication and authorization in web applications. Learn how to implement user authentication and authorization using techniques like JWT (JSON Web Tokens) in Node.js and MongoDB applications.
Intermediate Step II
Dive into building RESTful APIs using Node.js and MongoDB to create backend services for your web applications. Learn about routing, request handling, error handling, and middleware in Express.js, a web application framework for Node.js.
Intermediate Step III
Learn how to connect Node.js applications to MongoDB databases using the official MongoDB Node.js driver or Mongoose, an Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node.js. Explore techniques for handling database connections, performing CRUD operations, and managing data in MongoDB from Node.js.
Intermediate Step IIV
Understand the basics of MongoDB, a NoSQL database, including its document-oriented data model, collections, documents, and basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. Install MongoDB and learn how to interact with it using the MongoDB shell.
Expert Step I
Learn the basics of Node.js, including event-driven architecture, asynchronous programming, modules, and the Node Package Manager (npm). Set up your development environment and create your first Node.js application.
Expert Step II
Start by mastering the fundamentals of JavaScript, including variables, data types, operators, control structures, functions, and arrays.
Expert Step III
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